Supported Metrics

The following tabs represent the Metric Category of Dell Unity XT.

Tabbed Interface with Table
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT Systemdell_unity_xt_system_FreeSizeDell Unity XT System Free SizeGBAmount of free space available in the pools on the storage system
dell_unity_xt_system_TotalSizeDell Unity XT System Total SizeGBTotal amount of space in the pools on the storage system, which will be the sum of sizeFree, sizeUsed and sizePreallocated space.
dell_unity_xt_system_UsedSizeDell Unity XT System Used SizeGBAmount of used space in the pools on the storage system
dell_unity_xt_system_LogicalSizeDell Unity XT System Logical SizeGBTotal logical provisioned capacity of primary storage objects visible to hosts plus the total logical provisioned capacity of all Snapshots
dell_unity_xt_system_ThinSavingsRatioDell Unity XT System Thin Savings RatioStorage efficiency ratio of thin provisioned primary storage resources on the system, which demonstrates the efficiency of thin provisioning.This is calculated as follows: (Total provisioned size of all primary storage resources) / (Total allocated size of all primary storage resources without including data reduction savings, if any).
dell_unity_xt_system_SnapsSavingRatioDell Unity XT System Snaps Saving RatioStorage efficiency ratio of snapshots on the system, calculated based on the capacity that would have been required for fully provisioned copies, which demonstrates the efficiency of snapshots. This is calculated as follows: (Total snapshot size of all snapshots as if they were full copies) / (Total allocated size of all snapshots without including data reduction savings, if any). This does not include data reduction savings or thin provisioning savings.
dell_unity_xt_system_OverallEfficiencyRatioDell Unity XT System Overall Efficiency RatioSystem-level storage efficiency ratio, calculated by dividing the total logical capacity of the System by the actual Used capacity on the System, This leverages the efficiency features of thin provisioning, snapshots and data reduction(compression and deduplication).
dell_unity_xt_system_TierFreeSizeDell Unity XT System Tier Free SizeGBAmount of free space available in the tier.
dell_unity_xt_system_TierTotalSizeDell Unity XT System Tier Total SizeGBTotal amount of space (used space plus free space) in the tier.
dell_unity_xt_system_TierUsedSizeDell Unity XT System Tier Used SizeGBAmount of space used by the tier's associated storage resources.
Dell Unity XT Storage Resourcedell_unity_xt_storageResource_TotalSizeDell Unity XT Storage Resource Total SizeGBStorage resource size that the system presents to the host or end user
dell_unity_xt_storageResource_UsedSizeDell Unity XT Storage Resource Used SizeGBDell Unity XT Storage Resource Used Size.
dell_unity_xt_storageResource_AllocatedSizeDell Unity XT Storage Resource Allocated SizeGBSize of space actually allocated in the pool for the storage resource.
dell_unity_xt_storageResource_MetaDataSizeDell Unity XT Storage Resource MetaData SizeGBSize of the storage resource metadata.
Dell Unity XT Pooldell_unity_xt_pool_FreeSizeDell Unity XT Pool Free SizeGBSize of free space available in the pool.
dell_unity_xt_pool_TotalSizeDell Unity XT Pool Total SizeGBThe total size of space from the pool, which will be the sum of sizeFree, sizeUsed and sizePreallocated space.
dell_unity_xt_pool_UsedSizeDell Unity XT Pool Used SizeGBSpace allocated from the pool by storage resources, used for storing data. This will be the sum of the sizeAllocated values of each storage resource in the pool.
dell_unity_xt_pool_DataReductionRatioDell Unity XT Pool Data Reduction RatioData reduction ratio. The data reduction ratio is the ratio between the size of the data and the amount of storage actually consumed.
dell_unity_xt_pool_TierTotalSizeDell Unity XT Pool Tier Total SizeGBTotal size of space in the tier.
dell_unity_xt_pool_TierUsedSizeDell Unity XT Pool Tier Used SizeGBSize of used space in the tier.
dell_unity_xt_pool_TierFreeSizeDell Unity XT Pool Tier Free SizeGBSize of free space in the tier.
Dell Unity XT DataStoredell_unity_xt_dataStore_TotalSizeDell Unity XT DataStore Total SizeGBTotal Size of the DataStore.
dell_unity_xt_dataStore_UsedSizeDell Unity XT DataStore Used SizeGBUsed Size of the DataStore.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT Systemdell_unity_xt_system_UtilizationDell Unity XT System Utilization%Percentage of capacity used in system.
dell_unity_xt_system_TierUtilizationDell Unity XT System Tier Utilization%Percentage of capacity used in tier in system.
Dell Unity XT Storage Resourcedell_unity_xt_storageResource_UtilizationDell Unity XT Storage Resource Utilization%Percentage of capacity used by hosts.
Dell Unity XT Pooldell_unity_xt_pool_UtilizationDell Unity XT Pool Utilization%Percentage of capacity used in pool.
dell_unity_xt_pool_TierUtilizationDell Unity XT Pool Tier Utilization%Percentage of capacity used by tier in pool.
Dell Unity XT DataStoredell_unity_xt_dataStore_UtilizationDell Unity XT DataStore Utilization%Percentage of capacity used by dataStore.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT Storage Resourcedell_unity_xt_storageResource_ThinStatusDell Unity XT Storage Resource Thin StatusThin provisioning statuses for storage resource objects, as defined by storageResource type. Possible values are - FALSE : 0, TRUE : 1, MIXED : 65,535
dell_unity_xt_storageResource_HealthDell Unity XT Storage Resource HealthHealth of the storage resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Pooldell_unity_xt_pool_HealthDell Unity XT Pool HealthHealth of Pool resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Hostdell_unity_xt_host_HealthDell Unity XT Host HealthHealth of Host resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Diskdell_unity_xt_disk_HealthDell Unity XT Disk HealthHealth of Disk resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Ethernet Portdell_unity_xt_ethernetPort_HealthDell Unity Xt Ethernet Port HealthHealth of Ethernet port resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Fc Portdell_unity_xt_fcPort_HealthDell Unity XT Fc Port HealthHealth of FC port resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Sas Portdell_unity_xt_sasPort_HealthDell Unity XT Sas Port HealthHealth of Sas port resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT PowerSupplydell_unity_xt_powerSupply_HealthDell Unity XT PowerSupply HealthHealth of PowerSupply resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT SSDdell_unity_xt_ssd_HealthDell Unity XT SSD HealthHealth of ssd resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Storage Processordell_unity_xt_storageProcessor_HealthDell Unity XT StorageProcessor HealthHealth of storage processor resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Fandell_unity_xt_fan_HealthDell Unity XT Fan HealthHealth of fan resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Batterydell_unity_xt_battery_HealthDell Unity XT Battery HealthHealth of battery resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT DPEdell_unity_xt_dpe_HealthDell Unity XT Dpe HealthHealth of DPE resource .Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT IO Moduledell_unity_xt_ioModule_HealthDell Unity XT IO Module HealthHealth of IO Module Resource.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
Dell Unity XT Replication sessiondell_unity_xt_replicationSession_HealthDell Unity XT Replication Session HealthHealth of Replication session.Possible values are - Unknown : 0, OK : 5, OK_BUT : 7, DEGRADED : 10, MINOR : 15, MAJOR : 20, CRITICAL : 25, NON_RECOVERABLE : 30
dell_unity_xt_replicationSession_StatusDell Unity XT Replication Session StatusStatus of Replication session.
dell_unity_xt_replicationSession_SrcStatusDell Unity XT Replication Session Source StatusStatus of Replication session Source resource.
dell_unity_xt_replicationSession_dstStatusDell Unity XT Replication Session Destination StatusStatus of Replication session Destination Resource.
dell_unity_xt_replicationSession_networkStatusDell Unity XT Replication Session Network StatusNetwork Status of Replication session.
dell_unity_xt_replicationSession_syncStateDell Unity XT Replication Session Sync StateSync State of Replication session.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT DPEdell_unity_xt_dpe_CurrentSpeedDell Unity XT Dpe Current SpeedbpsCurrent speed of the DPE SAS disk connection.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT DPEdell_unity_xt_dpe_AveragePowerDell Unity XT Dpe Average PowerWAverage amount of power used by the DPE. The system uses a one hour window of 30-second samples to determine this value.
dell_unity_xt_dpe_CurrentPowerDell Unity XT Dpe Current PowerWCurrent amount of power used by the DPE.
Native TypeMetric NameDisplay NameUnitsDescription
Dell Unity XT DPEdell_unity_xt_dpe_CurrentTemperatureDell Unity XT Dpe Current TemperatureCelsiusCurrent temperature of the DPE.
dell_unity_xt_dpe_AverageTemperatureDell Unity XT Dpe Average TemperatureCelsiusAverage temperature of the DPE. The system uses a one hour window of 30-second samples to determine this value.

Default Monitoring Configurations

Dell Unity XT has default Global Device Management Policies, Global Templates, Global Monitors and Global Metrics in OpsRamp. You can customize these default monitoring configurations as per your business requirement by cloning respective Global Templates and Global Device Management Policies. It is recommended to clone them before installing the application to avoid noise alerts and data.

  1. Default Global Device Management Policies

    You can find the Device Management Policy for each Native Type at
    Setup > Resources > Device Management Policies. Search with suggested names in global scope:

    {appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: dell-unity-xt Dell Unity XT System - 1 (i.e, appName = dell-unity-xt,
    nativeType = Dell Unity XT System, version = 1)

  2. Default Global Templates

    You can find the Global Templates for each Native Type at
    Setup > Monitoring > Templates. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each template adheres to the following naming convention:

    {appName nativeType 'Template' - version}

    Ex: dell-unity-xt Dell Unity XT System Template - 1 (i.e, appName = dell-unity-xt, nativeType = Dell Unity XT System, version = 1)

  3. Default Global Monitors

    You can find the Global Monitors for each Native Type at
    Setup > Monitoring > Monitors. Search with suggested names in global scope. Each Monitors adheres to the following naming convention:

    {monitorKey appName nativeType - version}

    Ex: Dell Unity XT System Monitor dell-unity-xt Dell Unity XT System 1
    (i.e, monitorKey = Dell Unity XT System Monitor, appName = dell-unity-xt ,
    nativeType = Dell Unity XT System, version = 1)