The Log explorer allows you to view the logs emitted by resources in the default workspace.

To view the logs:

  1. Navigate to Infrastructure > Logs. The Logs page is displayed.
  2. On the logs page, you can perform below actions as mentioned in the table:
1Click to access the Favorite and Quick Links section. You can also access saved views under MY LOGS VIEWS page.
2Filter the logs using LOGQL attributes.

You can add multiple queries and filter the logs at the same time.
Once you add a query in the Add Filter, the Configure Alerts option is enabled. You can access the Add Log Alert Definition page to add a log alert definition.
3Filter the logs for a specific period of time. You can filter a maximum of last 07 days logs and can be viewed on the dashboard.

You can choose the date and time and create a custom query to filter logs produced by a specific service.
4Displays the log results with time span and count based on the custom query selection.

5Setting to customize the table such as Line Wrap and Text Size. From Column Selection, you can include/exclude columns that you want to show up on the page.

6Select the individual logs to display the log details in the side panel.

Click the link to navigate to the resource details page if the resource is available and has agent installed.

Use the Live Tail feature

The Live Tail feature in the Logs Explorer allows you to monitor real-time logs as they are generated. The real-time monitoring provides instant visibility into system events and errors, eliminating the need to refresh or manually retrieve data.

Access the Live Tail

  1. On the log explorer, click Live Tail.
    This will bring up a Logs screen displaying real-time logs.
  2. On the live tail page, click +ADD FILTER to filter the incoming data by selecting the attributes you want to filter by. This allows you to narrow down the logs to those most relevant to your needs.
  1. You can also stop or start the real-time logs monitoring.

If you are inactive for more than 5 minutes while using the Live Tail feature, a dialog box will appear stating that your session has expired. You will need to refresh the session to continue monitoring logs in real-time.