
Reporting Apps give users the ability to run analytics on their IT environment. Users can see a breakdown of their IT assets by resource type and a server distribution based on utilization. Reports from Reporting Apps are now available in PDF and XLSX formats.

Below are the key features of Reporting Apps:

  1. See analytics in a browser: The user is able to see the analytics report in a browser.
  2. Download analytics: Users can export analytics reports in PDF or XLSX format and view them offline.
  3. Re-run analysis: The user’s environment changes on a daily basis. As a result, environmental analysis varies on a daily basis, and whenever users want to get the most recent data they can re-run the same analysis.
  4. Run analysis on a schedule: For the user’s large environment, users can schedule to run analysis as needed and see the reports every day after logging in to the system; there is no need to wait for more time to run analysis and download the report.
  5. Send analysis on a schedule: Send analysis to the tenant’s own users.


  • Users required administrator level permissions to install and uninstall the reporting apps.
  • Users required Manage Reports and Manage Integration permissions.


    ActionRequired Permission
    (Partner User)
    Required Permission
    (Client User)
    To view Reporting apps link in UI
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
  • View/Manage Reports
  • View/Edit/Manage Integration
  • To Install/Uninstall Reporting apps
    • Manage Reports
    • Manage Integration
    • Administration
    • Manage Reports
    • Manage Integration
    • Administration
    To View Reporting app
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    To Create Run
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    To Save Run With/Without Schedule
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    To add Schedule with Notification
    • View/Create/Manage Users
    • View/Create/Manage Users
    To View Analysis list
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    Analysis Actions
    Run Now
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    View Runs
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • View/Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    Add/Edit Schedule
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration
    • Manage Reports
    • View/Edit/Manage Integration

    App Level Permissions

    Default Permissions

    Below are the default permissions for all reporting apps at Partner and Client level users:

    • Manage Reports
    • View/Manage Integration
    • View/Create/Manage Users

    In addition to the default permissions, the following table gives the information about the specific permissions of each app.

    ApplicationRequired Permission
    (Partner User)
    Required Permission
    (Client User)
    Alert Listing
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Manage Alerts
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Manage Alerts
    Antivirus Insights
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Asset Insights
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    Asset Inventory
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    Availability Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    Cloud Cost Trends and Insight
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Executive Summary
    • View/Manage Alerts
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    • View/Manage Alerts
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    Gateway Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Login Activity
    • View/Create/Manage Users
    • View/Create/Manage Users
    Metric Insights
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Monitor Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    Network BackUp Insights
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Network Utilization
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Ops 360 Patching
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Manage Patch Approvals
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Manage Patch Approvals
    Patch Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Manage Patch Approvals
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Manage Patch Approvals
    Process Definition
    • View/Manage Process Automation
    • View/Manage Process Automation
    Remote Control Usage
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Schedule Maintenance Insights
    • View/ Manage Schedule Maintenance
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/ Manage Schedule Maintenance
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    Software Inventory
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Device
    • View/Create/Manage Custom Attributes
    Tenant Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Client
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Client
    Ticket Details
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    •           OR
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Request
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    •           OR
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Request
    Ticket Insights
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    •           OR
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Request
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Desk
    •           OR
    • View/Edit/Create/Manage Service Request
    User Details
    • View/Create/Manage Users
    • View/Create/Manage Users

    To enable the above permissions, refer Permission Sets documentation.