
The topology explorer is where you can view the organization of resources, providing a logical representation of how they are related to one another.

You can also view the visual representation of nodes and links, save views, search for specific resource and perform different actions provided in the explorer.

topology explorer

Topology Options

1Click the hamburger menu to access the Add Current View and Favorite sections.
Topology hamburger menu
2Click + icon to open a new tab. You can view multiple tabs in a single explorer window.
New View tab
3Click the down arrow icon to switch between the views
Switch between views
4Use the search icon to search for the nodes. Search using resource name.
Search topology box
5Click to access View Settings that has the Depth and Layout options.
  • Depth refers to the level of topology you want to view. You can specify view levels up to Depth 3.
    Topology depth
  • Select the layout you want to view from the available Layout options.
    Topology Layout options
6Use the Zoom in and Zoom out tool on the topology map to change the scope of the visualization. When a map is viewed at a low zoom resolution, icons are displayed with a reduced size, the edges are thinner and the label names appear hidden.
Topology Zoom-in and Zoom out tool
  • Use the hand tool to move the topology map.
  • Use the arrow tool to drag a node from one place to another.
  •       Click to switch the tools from hand to arrow and vice versa.
    Hand and Arrow tools
    8The vertical and horizontal navigation arrows scroll the topology map vertically and horizontally.
    Click the navigation arrows to move the topology map.
    Topology navigation arrows