Custom Report

  • Effective Date: October 2024
  • Announcement Date: June 2024

The Legacy Custom Report feature, formerly accessible through Report > Reports > Custom Report will be unavailable from effective date. As part of our deprecation process, we will remove all associated actions from the UI.

v2 APIs - Resource Availability and Service Availablity

  • Effective Date: October 2024
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

The following two v2 APIs will be deprecated and replaced with the new v3 APIs

The new v3 APIs for Resource Availability and Service Availability will be detailed in the upcoming release.

Partner Details

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

The following fields are being removed from the Add, View, and Edit Partner workflow as part of new UI changes:

  • Partner details tab
    • Phone number
    • Mobile number
    • Contact name

  • Advanced Settings tab
    • Channel and Escalation Status dropdown lists.

Client Details

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

Agent Policies section is being removed from the Add, View, and Edit Client workflow as part of new UI changes.

User Management

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

Business Essentials user option is being deprecated from the Account Type section from Add User workflow. You will be able to view only Regular user and Business user options.

U2F Authentication

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

U2F two-factor authentication will be deprecated in the edit user workflow. If you have already enabled U2F authentication for any user, it will be reset to the initial state. You can then select from the remaining options available: TOTP, DUO and YUBICO.

Deprecation of Legacy Application

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

As of the effective date:

The following legacy applications will be deprecated from the Integrations. You will still be able to use them if you have already installed them.

After the deprecation date, a newer and updated version of the same application will be available.

  • Dell Powerprotect Data Manager
  • Dell Avamar
  • Dell NetWorker

Manage VM in Resources

  • Effective Date: September 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

The Manage VM function in Infrastructure -> Resources is being deprecated. This function currently provides the following options for managing virtual machines:

  • Power On: Starts a virtual machine.
  • Power Off: Shuts down a virtual machine.
  • Power Reset: Resets a virtual machine.

After the deprecation date, these options will no longer be accessible.

Transition from G1 to G2 SaaS Application templates

  • Effective Date: September 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

The deprecation of G1 SaaS application templates is underway. The new G2 templates can support all SaaS applications. These templates were introduced over three months ago to enhance performance and user experience. The following applications are impacted:

  • Apigee Edge
  • Citrix Cloud VDA Service
  • Cloudflare
  • Juniper Mist
  • Megaport
  • Office365
  • Oracle Cloud
  • VMware SD-WAN (VeloCloud)
  • Zoom

Discontinuation of metric cloud.instance.state

  • Effective Date: September 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

After thorough analysis and user feedback, we have decided to deprecate the cloud.instance.state OpsRamp-calculated metric due to its tendency to cause abnormal behavior and trigger false alerts, despite resources being operational.

With the discontinuation of this metric, it will no longer serve as a default availability metric. Users can explore alternative metrics and select them as default availability metrics from the monitoring template for the integration/application.

Contact our support team for any further questions.

Install Agent Option during Public Cloud Integration Setup

  • Effective Date: September 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

The Install Agent option will not be enabled for Public Cloud integrations as many versions of the agent are not supported while using discovery profiles, particularly in the case of Public Cloud integrations.

You can still install the agent by going to the Infrastructure > Resources page and clicking Install Agent for a specific resource. Alternatively, install Agent through Ansible or the Windows Agent Deployment tool.

Gateway - Application and Event Log Monitors

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2024

As of the effective date:

You can not create Application and Event Log Monitors from Collector Type Gateway. Alternatively, you can create Agent based Application and Event Log Monitors.

Assign Monitors - Agent - Windows Service Monitor

  • Effective Date: August 2024
  • Announcement Date: April 2024

Recently we announced deprecation for the Assign Monitors option and you can find the deprecation here, all the options in the Assign Monitors section are removed and you have to create a template and assign it to the resource instead of assigning the monitor directly.

This deprecation is exclusively for the Agent - Windows Service Monitors option and you are not allowed to use this option after the effective date. Alternatively, you can use the Windows Service Monitoring template from Windows operating system

Standard Reports

As of the effective date, the following reports will be deprecated in Standard Reports:

Standard Report NameEquivalent Reporting AppAnnouncement DateEffective DatePhase
Cloud ReportAsset InventoryMarch 2024June 2024ll
Device ReportAsset InventoryMarch 2024June 2024ll
Inventory ReportAsset InventoryMarch 2024June 2024ll
Network Backup Summary ReportNetwork Backup InsightsMarch 2024June 2024ll
Login Activity ReportLogin ActivityMarch 2024June 2024ll
Ticket ReportTicket DetailsMarch 2024June 2024ll
Cloud Instances ReportMetric InsightsMarch 2024June 2024ll
Monitor Details ReportMonitor DetailsMarch 2024June 2024ll
Audit ReportAudit DetailsMay 2024July 2024lll
Schedule Maintenance ReportSchedule Maintenance InsightsMay 2024July 2024lll
User ReportUser DetailsMay 2024July 2024lll
Availability ReportAvailability DetailsMay 2024July 2024lll
Executive Summary ReportExecutive Summary
May 2024July 2024lll
Tenant Profiles ReportTenant DetailsMay 2024July 2024lll
Antivirus ReportAntivirus InsightsMay 2024July 2024lll
Patch ReportPatch DetailsMay 2024July 2024lll
Alert Escalation Policy ReportN/AMay 2024July 2024lll
Application Patches ReportN/AMay 2024July 2024lll
eBinder ReportN/AMay 2024July 2024lll
SKU ReportN/AMay 2024July 2024lll

Due to a change in architecture, existing schedules cannot be migrated. It is necessary to create new schedules within the reporting apps.
All new reporting apps should match the format of standard reports. There should be no comparison with old reports.

You can access the same reports with the enhanced capabilities through the reporting apps (Reports > Reporting Apps section). Utilize the respective apps for both on-demand and scheduled runs.

Important Notes:

ActionDeadlineImpact After Deadline
Create or edit schedules for Standard Reports and Custom Reports30/09/2024You won’t be able to create new on-demand or scheduled reports.
Stop all existing schedules for Standard and Custom Reports30/11/2024All existing schedules will be removed, and the old data will no longer be available.

To view the Phase I deprecation list of standard reports, refer the document.

Classic Dashboards

  • Effective Date: March 2025
  • Announcement Date: March 2024
  • Last Updated Date: August 2024

The classic dashboards are being deprecated, and users should now create any new dashboard requirements using Dashboards 2.0 which are feature-rich and customizable according to business needs. The default landing page is configurable to Dashboard 2.0 at the user level.

The following widgets are now end of life in Classic Dashboards and not available anymore. Only the existing instances are functional in classic dashboards and these will not be part of Dashboard 2.0 migration.

  • Active live console stats.
  • Antivirus stats.
  • App integrations failures logs.
  • Cloud cost trend.
  • Inference stats
  • Forward Schedule Change Widget
  • Project Widget
  • Task Widget
  • Activity Log Widget

See Legacy Replacements for more information.

The conversion plan will be published in detail in the next upgrade; until then, the conversion functionality in beta release will have limited functionality. User can see the classic widgets getting convered to tiles to provide the equivalent rendering for all the supported classic widgets only. Limited functionality to download equivalent Dashboard 2.0 JSON. User needs to manually import the JSON file and see it as dashboard 2.0 with same name.

See Tile category mapped to Widgets table on how to use a tile category to make an equivalent widget to achieve the similar visualization.

Patch Compliance Widget

  • Effective Date: May 2024
  • Announcement Date: March 2024

The classic Patch Compliance Widget will be deprecated in Classic Dashboards. You will still be able to view the widgets that have already been created. After the deprecation date, you will not be able to create new instances of the Patch Compliance Widget.

Existing dashboards using these widgets may experience limited support, and users can refer to the Patch Management 2.0 dashboard and create Patch Compliance Cards. For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact our Support team.

Metrics Page

  • Effective Date: August 2024
  • Announcement Date: March 2024

The legacy “Metrics” on resource details view is getting deprecated and replaced by “Metric 2.0” which has more scalable metric data graph representation and follow industry standard metric nomenclature.

The below is the list of updated features user can find comparitively with legacy metrics:

Metric 2.0 Features
Page with paginated cards
Metrics will be shown with _ notation
Metrics display name will also be shown with _ notation
By default, metrics will be down sampled to 1 min frequency within 1 week
No grouping based on templates

The following Metric API’s are also getting deprecated:

This would be replaced by:

Note: The Ingesting metric data API is in progress

Audit Logs

  • Effective Date: May 2024
  • Announcement Date: March 2024

The Audit Logs functionality has been moved from Setup > Integrations to
Setup > Account > Integrations and Apps for all applicable integrations.

Assign option for Master Agent Profile

  • Effective Date: May 2024
  • Announcement Date: February 2024

The Assign Now option for the Master Agent Profile in the Resource > Attributes section will be removed after the effective date, as OpsRamp does not support Agent based management profiles.

Assign Monitors

  • Effective Date: April 2024
  • Announcement Date: May 2019

Assign Monitors option in Resource > Monitors > Monitors tab will be removed after the effective date and assigning a monitor directly to the resource will not be possible.

Alternatively, you can create a template and assign it to the resource.

Windows 32-bit Agent

  • Effective Date: March 2024
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

Starting from Agent version 17.0.0, support for the Windows 32-bit Agent has been discontinued. This decision was made due to high CPU usage issues on customer Windows devices. The change was prioritized based on customer escalations and our investigation related with high CPU.

Containers page

  • Effective Date: July 2024
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

The Containers page at Infrastructure > Containers will be deprecated by the effective date.


Based on the usage of this page, the overall feedback we have heard from customers, and alternatives available within OpsRamp to achieve the same use cases, OpsRamp is deprecating the page. This will also help reduce complexity in the product.

Alternatives available

  • A curated dashboard will soon be available in Dashboard 2.0 that will replicate the information shown on the Containers page.

  • The new resources page (Infrastructure > Search) will also list out the containers/nodes, their availability, and the tags on those resources as shown below:

Classic Apps

  • Effective Date: March 2024
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

As of the effective date:

The following Apps will be deprecated from the Integrations. You will still be able to use them if you have already installed them. After the deprecation date, any new installations of these apps will not be allowed:

  • Azure Stack
  • Java Virtual Machine
  • Redhat Jboss
  • IBM WebSphere (Legacy Classic App)
  • WildFly
  • Hitachi VSP (Legacy Classic App)
  • VMware (SDK Beta Version)
  • SNMP (SDK Beta Version)
  • Contrail Controller
  • Dell EMC VPLEX

Custom Integration

  • Effective Date: March 2025
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

As of the effective date:

The Custom category within Custom Integration is relocating to user management. This change won’t affect other Custom Integration categories.

To access Custom Integration:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Users.
  2. Enable the API option in the User Access field when creating or updating a user.


  • Existing Custom Integrations will remain visible under Integrations and Apps. However, support for them will decrease in future releases.
  • For continuous support, create custom integrations using the steps mentioned above.

Should you have any inquiries or require aid, feel free to get in touch with the OpsRamp support team.

Resource Availability Score

  • Effective Date: April 2024
  • Announcement Date: January 2024

The resource availability score shown against an individual resource in the resource overview section will be replaced with individual availability states.


The current availability percentage score only considers the DOWN state of the resource (critical alert on availability metric); due to this limitation, the UNKNOWN and UNDEFINED states of the resource are not considered while calculating the availability score.

We will introduce individual resource availability states instead of showing the overall percentage. You will see four states along with the respective percentages of each availability state.

How is this going to affect

Example: A resource was onboarded in OpsRamp on January 1st, and on January 2nd, a monitoring template was assigned to the resource, but no monitoring data was collected for one day due to different reasons. On January 3rd, OpsRamp started collecting data, and there were no critical alerts on the availability metrics for one day. On January 4th, a critical alert was generated for the resource on the availability metric.

By considering the above example,

The last four days resource availability percentage with the current design will be 75%.

Because, in the above example the resource has a critical alert on availability metric for one day out of four days.

The last four days of resource availability state percentage after the new changes will be:

  • UP: 25%
  • DOWN: 25%
  • UNKNOWN: 25%
  • UNDEFINED: 25%

How will this benefit

With this change, you are going to see the individual states of the resources, and this helps you to exactly understand how much percentage of time a resource was in UP, DOWN, UNKNOWN, and UNDEFINED states.

Impacted areas

Due to the new changes, the following areas will be impacted:


  • Standard Reports > Availability Report: The Availability(%) field in the report will be replaced with UP(%).
  • Reporting Apps > Availability Details: As the individual availability scores are already displayed, the Availablity(%) field will be removed.

Schedule maintenance

Currently, while calculating the resource Availability Score (%), the scheduled maintenance time is not considered, and only unplanned downtime is considered.

Current availability formula: Availability Score (%) = ((Duration - UnPlannedDownTime) * 100) / Duration

Example: Let’s say you have a resource with Availability State DOWN from 10 AM to 2 PM, but you have enabled scheduled maintenance between 11 AM and 1 PM.

The Resource Availability Score (%) for 10 AM to 2 PM.

Here is the comparison:

  • The Resource Availability Score (%) with the current design will be 50%.

    Because the 11 AM to 1 PM DOWN state is being treated as UP.

  • The resource UP (%) after the new change will be 0%.

    Because the 11 AM to 1 PM scheduled maintenance time will be treated as DOWN.

    The new design represents the percentage of individual availability states, both UnPlannedDownTime and PlannedDownTime (scheduled maintenance time) will be treated as DOWN.

    If you want the PlannedDownTime (scheduled maintenance time) to be treated as UP, then you have the option to consider it as UP even if the resource is in the DOWN state during the scheduled maintenance time.

    You can do this by going to Setup > Accounts > Clients > Availability Settings.

Management Profiles

  • Effective Date: March 2024
  • Announcement Date: December 2023

The Management Profiles option in the Setup > Resources section will be removed as of the effective date and this option will be replaced with Collector Profiles.

All the existing Gateway Management Profiles will be automatically moved to the Collector Profiles section after migration.

Note: The existing Agent Management Profiles will not be moved to the new Collector Profiles as we stopped supporting Agent-based profiles.

Agent-based Management Profile

  • Effective Date: February 2024
  • Announcement Date: December 2023

As of the effective date, the agent-based management profile option in Setup > Resources > Management Profiles > Add > Profile Type > Agent will be removed from the UI. This option was originally designed for first-generation agents, which OpsRamp no longer supports. Therefore, we have decided to completely remove this option.

OpsRamp will not delete any existing agent-based management profiles, but we strongly recommend that you manually delete them.

Note: The associated agent-based URL, DNS, and Ping (G1) monitors will be deleted from the resources after removing the agent-based management profile.

Agent-based G1 SNMP Monitors

  • Effective Date: February 2024
  • Announcement Date: December 2023

As of the effective date, the SNMP Monitors option on the Agent-based G1 template creation page will be removed. This feature was originally designed for first-generation agents, which OpsRamp no longer supports. Consequently, we have decided to completely eliminate this option.

Alternatively, you may choose to utilize gateway-based SNMP monitoring templates.

Legacy Ping, URL, and DNS monitors are replaced by Synthetics

  • Effective Date: February 2024
  • Announcement Date: November 2016

Agent based Ping Monitoring Configuration, URL Monitoring Configuration, and DNS Monitoring Configuration will be replaced with Synthetic monitoring.

SNMP Monitoring - Resource timeout alert

  • Effective Date: February 2024
  • Announcement Date: November 2023

SNMP monitoring from the OpsRamp gateway generates a critical alert if the target resource does not respond to the monitoring request from the gateway. The alert will be generated if two consecutive checks fail. With the current design in rare scenarios, short network glitches in the customer environment can create multiple critical alerts and as a result, there will be noise.

Scenario: Let’s assume a resource is applied with 1 min, and 2 min SNMP monitors and both monitoring frequencies will sync every 2 minutes and can generate an alert immediately at the 2nd minute in case of network issues. Here two consecutive checks happen at the same minute. Sometimes this creates huge noise.

To overcome this OpsRamp is going to change the logic from two consecutive checks to five minutes internal. If the resource stops responding to SNMP requests for more than 5 minutes then a critical alert will be generated.

This change will be available in both classic and next-generation gateway starting with version 17.0.0